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Роль позитивного нейтралитета в продвижении Союнова А.Р. Преподаватель кафедры международного права Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития (Туркменистан) РОЛЬ ПОЗИТИВНОГО НЕЙТРАЛИТЕТА ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА В ПОПУЛЯРИЗАЦИИ МНОГОЯЗЫЧИЯ Аннотация. Туркменистан, как нейтральное государство, придает большое значение воспитанию молодого поколения в духе гуманизма. Позитивная направленность нейтралитета Туркменистана определяет создание платформы для поддержания международной стабильности и безопасности, как основных направлений внешней политики. Именно поэтому, популяризация многоязычия является неотъемлемым компонентом государственной политики. Ключевые слова: многоязычие, нейтралитет, Туркменистан, молодежь, общество. Soyunova A.R. Instructor of international law department International university for the humanities and development (Turkmenistan) THE ROLE OF POSITIVE NEUTRALITY OF TURKMENISTAN IN POPULARIZATION OF MULTILINGUALISM Abstract. Turkmenistan, as a neutral state, gives big value to the raising of young generation in the spirit of humanism. The positive vector of the Turkmenistan’s neutrality defines the creation of the platform for international stability and security as main directions of foreign policy. That is why popularization of multilingualism is an integral part of state policy. Key words: multilingualism, neutrality, Turkmenistan, youth, society. The source of the progress of modern society is continuous pursuit of reforms. Turkmenistan, as a young state, keeps up with the times and on a constantly basis implements socio-economic reforms. The key aspects of these reforms refer to the Turkmen youth. As the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, mentions, “Taking into account today’s unprecedented global processes, one of the main tasks of both the world community and an individual state is the education of a humane young generation that will make a significant contribution to the further prosperity of humanity” [1, p.86]. In this context, for Turkmenistan as the state possessing positive neutrality, the promotion of multilingualism at all levels of society is one of the key aspects of upbringing a humane generation. Multilingualism is an essential component of communication in a modern globalized world [2, p.223-229]. Through multilingualism, different kinds of international organizations and institutions provide understanding, fulfillment, and adoption of resolutions and decisions of intergovernmental bodies by the people to whom these institutions serve [6]. With this regard, under the auspices of UNESCO were adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001), the Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage (2003), and the Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions (2005), to which Turkmenistan is a party. In all these international documents, it is stated that in order to build knowledgeable societies, it is necessary to store, transmit, and broadcast knowledge in various languages so that access to knowledge is unhindered and free [3, p. 65-75]. Currently, Turkmenistan’s foreign policy is based on positive neutrality. Therefore, the country strives to become a platform for ensuring peace and security both at the regional and global levels. With the aim to achieve this goal, the formation of a balanced language policy is essential. Taking that into consideration, the concept for improving foreign language teaching in Turkmenistan is being implemented [5]. Consequently, the gradual and successful implementation of this concept contributes to the popularization of multilingualism. This concept also fully complies with the three-language policy that was proclaimed in 2011 by the former President and currently the National Leader of Turkmenistan, the Head of Halk Maslahaty Gubanguly Berdimuhamedov [4]. As the result of these commitments, Turkmenistan’s educational system, shaped by its neutral stance, incorporates multilingual education programs, equipping its citizens with linguistic skills necessary for global engagement. All in all, the Turkmen nation has constantly adhered to its neutral status, serving as a bridge between different regions and cultures. In this regard, Turkmenistan actively participates in international forums, promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. Popularization of multilingualism among the young society members is the best tool to uphold the principles that have guided a nation’s foreign policy for decades. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Berdimuhamedov S. “Youth is the support of Motherland”, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2023. p.86. 2. Okal B.O. Benefits of Multilingualism in Education. Universal Journal of Educational Research 2(3): 223-229, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020304, http://www.hrpub.org 3. Всеобщая декларация ЮНЕСКО о культурном разнообразии// Культурное и языковое разнообразие в информационном обществе. – СПБ, 2004.- с. 65-75. 4. «Каждый туркменистанец будет обязан знать три языка и заниматься спортом» 05.04.2011 23:59 http://www.turkmenistan.ru/ru/articles/35855.html (дата обращения 28.10.2024). 5. Касьянова А. Иностранные языки открывают дорогу в мир. http://turkmenistan.gov.tm > post (дата публикации 03.11.2021). 6. Лозинский Н. Доклад Объединенной инспекционной группы – Многоязычие в системе Организации Объединенных Наций. ООН, Женева, 2020 г. JIU/2020/6.

Автор: Союнова Айна Реджепмурадовна

                                                                                                        Союнова А.Р.

                                         Преподаватель кафедры международного права

                Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития 





Аннотация. Туркменистан, как нейтральное государство, придает большое значение воспитанию молодого поколения в духе гуманизма. Позитивная направленность нейтралитета Туркменистана определяет создание платформы для поддержания международной стабильности и безопасности, как основных направлений внешней политики. Именно поэтому, популяризация многоязычия является неотъемлемым компонентом государственной политики.

Ключевые слова: многоязычие, нейтралитет, Туркменистан,  молодежь, общество.


                                                                                                                        Soyunova A.R.

                                                        Instructor of international law department   

                          International university for the humanities and development 





Abstract. Turkmenistan, as a neutral state, gives big value to the raising of young generation in the spirit of humanism. The positive vector of the Turkmenistan’s neutrality defines the creation of the platform for international stability and security as main directions of foreign policy. That is why popularization of multilingualism is an integral part of state policy.

Key words: multilingualism, neutrality, Turkmenistan, youth, society.

The source of the progress of modern society is continuous pursuit of reforms. Turkmenistan, as a young state, keeps up with the times and on a constantly basis implements socio-economic reforms. The key aspects of these reforms refer to the Turkmen youth. As the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, mentions, “Taking into account today’s unprecedented global processes, one of the main tasks of both the world community and an individual state is the education of a humane young generation that will make a significant contribution to the further prosperity of humanity” [1, p.86]. In this context, for Turkmenistan as the state possessing positive neutrality, the promotion of multilingualism at all levels of society is one of the key aspects of upbringing a humane generation.

Multilingualism is an essential component of communication in a modern globalized world [2, p.223-229]. Through multilingualism, different kinds of international organizations and institutions provide understanding, fulfillment, and adoption of resolutions and decisions of intergovernmental bodies by the people to whom these institutions serve [6]. With this regard, under the auspices of UNESCO were adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001), the Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage (2003), and the Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions (2005), to which Turkmenistan is a party. In all these international documents, it is stated that in order to build knowledgeable societies, it is necessary to store, transmit, and broadcast knowledge in various languages so that access to knowledge is unhindered and free [3, p. 65-75].

Currently, Turkmenistan’s foreign policy is based on positive neutrality. Therefore, the country strives to become a platform for ensuring peace and security both at the regional and global levels. With the aim to achieve this goal, the formation of a balanced language policy is essential. Taking that into consideration, the concept for improving foreign language teaching in Turkmenistan is being implemented [5]. Consequently, the gradual and successful implementation of this concept contributes to the popularization of multilingualism. This concept also fully complies with the three-language policy that was proclaimed in 2011 by the former President and currently the National Leader of Turkmenistan, the Head of Halk Maslahaty Gubanguly Berdimuhamedov [4]. As the result of these commitments, Turkmenistan’s educational system, shaped by its neutral stance, incorporates multilingual education programs, equipping its citizens with linguistic skills necessary for global engagement.

All in all, the Turkmen nation has constantly adhered to its neutral status, serving as a bridge between different regions and cultures. In this regard, Turkmenistan actively participates in international forums, promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. Popularization of multilingualism among the young society members is the best tool to uphold the principles that have guided a nation’s foreign policy for decades.


1. Berdimuhamedov S. “Youth is the support of Motherland”, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2023. p.86.

2. Okal B.O. Benefits of Multilingualism in Education. Universal Journal of Educational Research 2(3): 223-229, 2014. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2014.020304, http://www.hrpub.org

3.  Всеобщая декларация ЮНЕСКО о культурном разнообразии// Культурное и языковое разнообразие в информационном обществе. – СПБ, 2004.- с. 65-75.

4. «Каждый туркменистанец будет обязан знать три языка и заниматься спортом» 05.04.2011 23:59 http://www.turkmenistan.ru/ru/articles/35855.html (дата обращения 28.10.2024).

5. Касьянова А. Иностранные языки открывают дорогу в мир. http://turkmenistan.gov.tm > post (дата публикации 03.11.2021).

6. Лозинский Н. Доклад Объединенной инспекционной группы – Многоязычие в системе Организации Объединенных Наций. ООН, Женева, 2020 г. JIU/2020/6.



