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Исследовательский проект по теме: “The Monuments to A. S. Pushkinabroad”

Автор: Каргина Людмила Петровна


     Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 3  им. А.С. Пушкина


357528  Ставропольский край, г. Пятигорск, ул. Февральская, 283

телефон (88793) 37-84-43, 39-89-34,  email: sch03.5gorsk@mail.ru




 Исследовательский проект

 по теме:


The Monuments to

A. S. Pushkinabroad



Саврасов Никита(9класс)


                                             Каргина Л.П.

 Научный руководитель:

                                             Рыбалка Л.Г., доцент

                                            ФГБОУ ВПО ПГЛУ





 Пояснительная записка

Тема нашего проекта  “The Monuments to A.S.Pushkin abroad


Цель нашего проекта — провести исследование наследия великого русского поэта А.С.Пушкина и признание его величия в Европе и во всём мире.

Актуальность нашего проекта заключается в том, что 6июня отмечается день рождения великого поэта, анаша школа носит имя А.С. Пушкина. Работая над проектом, мы узнали, что

·Общее количество памятников Пушкину точно не подсчитано, они самые разные – от скромных «стандартных» бюстов до великих творений знаменитых скульпторов, хорошо всем знакомые и почти неизвестные… 


·Наибольшее количество памятников, монументов, бюстов и мемориальных досок находится на родине поэта – в России и в странах бывшего СССР. У каждого из них своя уникальная история. А все вместе они – наша культура, наша дань поэту, наша память


·На просторах нашей огромной страны и далеко за ее пределами, памятники великому поэту есть повсюду – в том числе там, где он никогда не бывал. Это память и дань его творчеству, его таланту, его вкладу в нашу культуру и жизнь.


·В Европе первый памятник поэту в виде беломраморной стеллы, был поставлен княгиней З.А. Волконской в парке её римской виллы почти сразу же после смерти поэта в 1837 г ., а на американском континенте бронзовый бюст Пушкину был установлен сто лет спустя в знаменитом концертном зале Карнеги холл, в Нью-Йорке



В работе над проектом были использованы материалы научных журналов, аутентичные тексты из газет, журналов, страноведческих  пособий, информация из Интернета.


Консультационную помощь учащимся оказали руководители проекта, учителя английского языка Каргина Л.П., Тунина Т.М.  Научное руководство осуществила доцент кафедры английского языка  и профессиональной коммуникации ФГБОУ  ВПО  ПГЛУ Рыбалка Л.Г.



Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is one of the brightest poets of the «Golden age», who left an indelible mark in Russian literature.

The world of Pushkin’s poetry is bright, kind, joyful world of love, friendship and creativity. He is extremely wide and therefore includes all: the UPS and downs, success and disappointment, joy and sorrow, love and friendship, betrayal and treason. The poet pours his feelings and experiences in verse. He lives in them. Every poem can be compared to a precious stone, amber, inside which is a bug. And in Pushkin’s verses. Each of them has its own core, the nucleus, which laid down the basic idea.

One of the most important in the work of the poet was the theme of love, which evolves, like all based on his lyrics.

The theme of friendship is one of the leading lyric poet. Through all his life he carried a friendship with Delvig, Pushchino, Vilhelmkyukhelbekker originated in the Lyceum. Many free-thinking Pushkin’s verses addressed to friends, associates.

Many of the poems of Alexander Pushkin devoted to the nature. The poet was very fond of Russian nature and Russian, the earth. He loved walking in the woods, enjoy the freedom surrounding it, fresh air and dream. All poems of Alexander Pushkin imbued with these feelings: «Winter morning», «Village», «Winter evening», «Autumn» and others.

On open spaces of our vast country and far beyond its borders, monuments to the great poet is everywhere – including where he’s never been. It is the memory and tribute to his art, his talent, his contribution to our culture and life…

The total number of monuments to Pushkin is about 190 vonuvents, they are the most different – from modest «standard» busts to the great works of famous sculptors, all well-known and virtually unknown.

The greatest number of monuments, busts and memorial plaques located at his homeland – in Russia and in the countries of the former USSR. Each of them has its own unique history… And all together they are – our culture, our tribute to the poet, our memory.

There are monuments to Pushkin in the former Soviet Union, Europe, America, Asia. It seems to be a very interesting fact the installation of the monument to Pushkin in Ethiopia, so to say on their ancestral homeland.





In Paris there is a monument to the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. A bronze bust of the poet by the famous Russian sculptor Yuri Orekhov installed in the famous «Square of poets». In the 200th anniversary since the birth of the poet in residence of the Russian Ambassador in Paris was opened the exhibition «Moscow Pushkin», which presents hundreds of unique exhibits. They paint a picture of life in the city the beginning of the last century, including Pushkin spent his early childhood, books, engravings, ceramics, furniture, sculpture.

In Paris, the many places connected with the poet’s name.
It was often visited by his friends, family, relatives.

June 6, Russia celebrates the birthday of Pushkin. But not only Russia is associated with his name, but Paris, in which Pushkin was in love with. Knew not only about all political events in France, but was well aware of Parisian manners, even on the latest theatrical and society gossip. In the middle of the nineteenth century «all Paris» went crazy from the Queen of spades translated by prosper Merimee.






In the capital of the Republic of Montenegro Podgoricathtreis  the monument to A. S. Pushkin by the Russian sculptor Alexander Taratynova.Bronze figures — the poet, read poems, and hears him Natalia




Pushkin monument in the Villa Borghese in Rome was opened by Vladimir Putin himself in Rome. According to the President, Pushkin is widely opened for the Russian people the door to the magical world of Italian culture. «We never forget what the Italians did for the development of Russian culture, and we are grateful to them for that», — Putin said. However, the film, according to Putin, had a marked influence on Italian culture. The monument is a gift to Rome from Moscow.








Santiago de Chile (Chile) Parc National library
Opened in 1999
Sculptor AnatolyBichukov



The first monument to Pushkin in Chile was opened in the Park of the National library. The opening ceremony was attended by first Vice-Premier of the Moscow government Oleg Tolkachev, the mayor of Santiago de Chile, Jaime Ravinet, the Russian Ambassador in Chile, Alexey Kvasov, as well as the author of the monument — sculptor Anatoly Bichukov.The event was held in the framework of implementation of the package of agreements on rapprochement of the Russian and Chilean capitals in the field of culture, education and technical cooperation.



Shanghai (China), street Fagnano.

Opened in August 1987.

Bust, bronze, granite.

Sculptor Lee Jihun, GaoJunlong, the Grand architect. E. M.


Love of the Chinese to Pushkin is very great. For the third time in the same place, 20 years later was again a monument to the poet. The monument was rebuilt in song 1947.


Beijing (China)    Opened in 2007

Bronze, height — 2 m

Sculptor Gregory Pototsky


Pushkin in Germany, as we know did not happen, but there are places that are closely associated with the poet’s name, and even monuments established in his honor. The most important German city of Pushkin is, of course, Weimar. Here lived Goethe and the whole of enlightened Europe sought to come to a small German town,Russia, the Europeans are trying to understand through the literature — indeed, in 1821, in Germany there are the first translations of Pushkin. Russian poet «integrated» into the European cultural landscape, and so soon after the death of Goethe in 1832, the German literary critic characterizes the situation thus: «Today in Europe no one is bigger than Pushkin and Adam Mickiewicz».Perfectly logical in the light of this historical situation looks and the Pushkin monument in Weimar: here began as his own history in Europe, but also the recognition of the entire Russian literature, the founder of which is Pushkin.Thanks to their huge efforts, the Nuremberg received the sculpture Park «Lukomorye». Now you can boldly say: in the Franconian capital of our thirty-three knights and uncle Chernomor and the famous cat scientist have become local attractions.














June 6 in our country celebrated Pushkin’s birthday, the birthday of A. S. Pushkin. Literary works of the great Russian poet accompanies us throughout life. Pushkin respects and admires them whole planet.
During the life of the poet was not created his sculptures – did not want Pushkin himself. «Arabskoe my mess will be consigned to immortality in all its the dead stillness», he wrote to his wife. So it later happened. Most of the early monuments to Pushkin was installed to the round date – the 100th anniversary of his birthday.

In Europe the first monument to the poet in the form of a white marble stele, was erected by Princess Z. A. Volkonskaya in her the Park of a Roman Villa almost immediately after the poet’s death in 1837.                                                                    

On  the American continent, a bronze bust of Pushkin was erected a hundred years later in the famous concert hall of Carnegie hall in new York, where he spent a memorable, solemn events dedicated to the anniversary of the death of the poet, organized by the Society named after A. S. Pushkin, specially created for this event.                                                                                                                                               In August 1941, the bust of Pushkin was solemnly transferred and placed in the town of Jackson (formerly Caswell) in the state of New Jersey.





Here on the land with the local name ”Pine Barrens“ Russian emigrants and immigrants by Russians who fled the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empire before 1917, he founded the village, with the adjoining farm. On this farm in 1926, they founded the Russian Society in America. The purpose of the Society is the


preservation of the identity, spirituality and culture.Central on the Farm is the majestic St. Vladimir Church, and to his right, in a small alley on a granitepedestal was a bust of Pushkin. In his hand the poet holds a book on which are inscribed the lines of the poem  “Monument“:

Long and I’ll be the kind of people,

What good feelings I Lira woke,

What in my cruel age I praised freedom

And mercy to the fallen called.

The initiator of the monument was t Timothy BereznyAvvakumovich.


In addition to the monument to the poet in Jackson, on the East coast known three. One is in the bucolic Arrow Park in upstate new York, near the town of Monroe. The Park was purchased in 1948 by the residents of the city of new York- in the past, migrants from Russia, Ukraine and Poland.  Many of them were keepers not only of Slavic traditions, but also true lovers of poetry.in 1970, in line with the monuments of American poet Walt Whitman, Ukrainian Taras Shevchenko and the Belarusian YankaKupala, a monument to Pushkin.



In addition to the monument to the poet in Jackson, on the East coast known three. One is in the bucolic Arrow Park in upstate new York, near the town of Monroe. The Park was purchased in 1948 by the residents of the city of new York- in the past, migrants from Russia, Ukraine and Poland.  Many of them were keepers not only of Slavic traditions, but also true lovers of poetry.in 1970, in line with the monuments of American poet Walt Whitman, Ukrainian Taras Shevchenko and the Belarusian YankaKupala, a monument to Pushkin.








The other monument was opened in 2000, the year in Washington on the campus of George Washington. The authors of the monument – Alexander and Igor Burganov, architect Mikhail Posokhin, master Paul Shelov.




On the pedestal are engraved in two languages (Russian and English) text of the Pushkin stanza. The English translation made by the professors of the University of George Washington Jonathan Chavez and Peter Rollberg:

                 In years to come I’ll earn my people’s adoration,

                 For only gentle feelings my lyre did awake,

                 For freedom did I praise in time of tribulation

                 And mercy ask for fallen heroes’ sake.








Washington (USA). Opened in September 2000, the Monument was erected near the University named after George Washington. This monument is a gift to Washington from the Moscow mayor’s office. The author of the sculpture – the people’s artist of Russia Alexander Burganov. He made the young Pushkin in the bronze. Next to the figure of the poet – the pillar with a gold Pegasus on the top.


In conclusion,


By his poems Alexander Pushkin was erected himself a monument not made by hand. However, the popular trail is not overgrown to quite earthly and monuments installed in different countries of the world. In addition to CIS, the monuments are set in many European countries, in the distant China, and Mexico, and even in Ethiopia, where, according to one version, was a native genius great-grandfather – Abram Petrovich Hannibal.



                        A monument to Alexander Pushkin in Ethiopia










































































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