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Урок английского языка Weather

Автор: Софронова Наталья Ивановна

Урок английского языка «Weather»СОФРОНОВА НАТАЛЬЯ ИВАНОВНА





Предмет: Английский языкТема: «Weather»Продолжительность: 1 урокКласс: 7 классУчитель: Софронова Наталья ИвановнаШкола: №12 г.Якутска Город/село:г.Якутск Республика Саха (Якутия)CD: «Английский на каждый день»

Технические средства и наглядные пособия

мультимедийный компьютерный класс

CD «Английский на каждый день»

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями на разделительный вопрос


Провести практику в речевой деятельности; диалог, аудирование, чтение

Активизировать лексику по теме «Weather»

Обогатить словарный запас учащихся


творческий интерес

инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности

познавательный интерес

Воспитывать уважение к обычаям и традициям английского народа Автоматизировать употребление лексических единиц и модельных фраз по теме «Weather»

Lesson Procedure

I Warmer: ( you may begin like this)

Good Morning, children! What question shall I ask now? Of course , about the weather. What is the weather like today? We always begin our lesson with this question .And today we shall learn much about weather, why people often talk about weather, what words they use to describe good or bad weather. And we shall also try to have a conversation about weather. Timing-2 minutes

II Presentation of the vocabulary ( Use CD Lesson 13 Guide for polite people)

the pupils read and listen to the new words and phrases and repeat after the announcer.

Pupils work in pairs to ask and answer questions about the weather .Finish this activity by asking one or two pairs to say their questions and answers again, while the rest of the class listens. Timing-8 minutes

III Listening exercise ( Use CD Exercise 1 , lesson 13 The task of the exercise is to fill the missing words) )

The aim of this activity is to develop the pupil’s listening ability. Ask one or two pupils to read the abstract with the right variants.

Timing-9 minutes

IV Reading and speaking

Pre-reading task

Ask the pupils what they know about English weather. Direct this question at the whole class. The aim is to try and stimulate the pupils’ interest to the topic before reading. They will inevitably say that it is awful. Tell them it is a very popular topic of conversation because the weather in England changes a lot.

Reading ( use CD Lesson 13 Miscellanea text «Weather») The pupils should read silently!

Ask the pupils to read the text quite quickly, and to check no more than four words that they don’t know. ( they may use the dictionary of the CD)

Then the pupils compare and teach each other their words Timing-15minutes

V Every day English ( Grammar : Question tags)

T — Now we shall do a little grammar. Let’s remember question tags. English people love talking about the weather. In their conversation they often use question tags , because they sound a bit more natural, polite and conversational. Complete the following conversations using one of the tags in the box.

Check through with the whole class. Then ask various pairs to come to the front of the class and role play meeting on the street and having a typical weather conversation. Ask your pupils to improvise and not just memorizing the conversation, encourage them to be funny by stressing how very important(! )such conversations are, when you are in England.

Timing-10 minutes.

VI Home task ( CD lesson13 Miscellanea Proverbs and sayings)

T — Find Russian equivalents to the following English traditional saying about weather.

Red sky at night: shepherd’s delight

Red sky in the morning: shepherd’s warning.

Rain before seven, fine before eleven

Timing- 1 minute.


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